Family Sensory Friendly session

Here at The Pickaquoy Centre, we understand that visiting the swimming pool can be an overwhelming experience and for some, the busyness of a public session can be challenging. New to our Pool Timetable, we have introduced the Family Sensory Friendly session on a Saturday evening. For this session, we have removed or reduced some of the usual distractions to give young swimmers the opportunity to swim in a more relaxed environment.

Every Saturday:
1730 - 1830

Who Can Attend?

  • Any family who has at least one child with additional support needs. We understand that each child is different and their needs can vary.
    Check out our Admissions Policy

What to expect

Other swimmers will be leaving the pool at 5.10pm , before your session starts. Your session will be 5.30pm to 6.30pm and is the last pool session of the evening. To help prepare your children we have provided some images and text about their trip:

The Pickaquoy Centre
We have two swimming pools, gym, squash courts, cinema, sports arena and many spaces to play and exercise.

Our friendly Customer Service Advisors wear a burgundy or black top. They will meet and greet you, and answer any questions you have. You may also see a Duty Manager wearing a Navy Blue top, they are there to manage staff, help our customers and make sure the centre is running to a good standard.

Where to go
To get to the swimming pool and changing rooms. Go down the right-hand stairs and past the vending machine. The village change is the next doors on your right.

The Village Changing room
We have poolside changing rooms with cubicle, showers and lockers. There are individual, family and an easy access changing room available. The lockers take a £1 coin or locker token, which is returned when you turn the key to unlock the door.

Our Staff
Our friendly Lifeguards wear a Yellow top, red shorts and a whistle. They will be sat in the lifeguard chairs and will walk around the swimming pool. They are there to keep everyone safe and follow the rules, prevent incidents and respond if there is an emergency. They may blow their whistle if there is an emergency or urgently need to get attention.

Our Pools
We have a Main Pool which is set to a depth of 1 metre. We also have a Leisure Pool where the water temperature is warmer and has shallower sections.

Safety for Your Children and all Participants

  • Safety in the pool area is paramount for everyone. We want you and your family to have fun so there are a few guidelines that must be followed, if you are not sure, please ask a lifeguard. There are signs around the pool to show what not to do. Ultimately you are responsible for yourself and your children in and around the pool area, the lifeguards are there in an emergency and help keep everyone safe.
  • Do’s – Have Fun, Be Responsible for your Children, Help Your Children Follow the Rules
  • Dont’s – No Running, No Bombing, No Acrobatics

Alarms and Noises

  • Fire Exits: There are two 2 exits from the Leisure Pool and two at the far end of the Main pool.
  • Noise: Music, hair dryers and hand dryers are switched off for the session.
  • Fire Alarm: Should the Fire Alarm be activated, the Lifeguards will ask everyone to leave the pool and line up by a Fire Exit. We will only evacuate swimmers if there is a real fire. If in the extremely rare situation there is an evacuation of the swimmers, the Lifeguards issue foil blankets to all swimmers and lead them to the Fire Assembly Point, located by the bike shelter. 
  • Pool Alarm: Should the Pool Alarm be activated, that means the pool has to be evacuated and the Lifeguard may have to make a rescue. The full team around the building will be at the pool within seconds to provide support. 


  • Our Sensory Friendly Family Sessions are available with the ActiveLife membership or pay as you go. Click here to see our Price List. More information on the Activelife Membership, including the Budget Membership, can be found at our Memberships page.