Please see below for any Programme Changes to our normal timetables:
Group X
Wednesday 26 March - Mindful Yoga (1200-1245) and Relaxation (1300-1345) will take place in the Quayside, Women's Only Circuits (1045-1130) and Deep Water Aerobics (1845-1930) has been cancelled
Saturday 29 March - Deep Water Aerobics (1500-1545) has been cancelled
Monday 31 March - Aqua Aerobics (1130-1215) will be covered by Fiona
Saturday 26 April - Yoga for Release (0900-0945) will be covered by Maureen with Pure Stretch (click here for class details)
Thursday 01 May - Movement Matters (1045-1130) will be covered by Maureen with Pure Stretch (click here for class details)
Saturday 03 May - Yoga for Release (0900-0945) will be covered by Maureen with Pure Stretch (click here for class details)
Thursday 08 May - Movement Matters (1045-1130) will be covered by Maureen with Pure Stretch (click here for class details)
Arena Inflatables & Jungle World
Sunday 30 March - Jungle World will be closed from 1045 - 1215 due to a private booking
Sunday 30 March - Arena Inflatables (0945-1200) is cancelled due to a private booking
Sunday 06 April - Arena Inflatables (0945-1200) is cancelled due to a Bowls Competition
Sunday 20 April - Arena Inflatables (0945-1200) is cancelled due to a Badminton Competition
Saturday 26 April - Jungle World will be closed from 1045 - 1215 due to a private booking
Sunday 18 May - Arena Inflatables (0945-1200) is cancelled due to a Netball Competition
Sunday 18 May - Arena Inflatables (0945-1200) is cancelled due to the Folk Festival
Saturday 24 May - Jungle World will be closed from 0945 - 1115 due to a private booking
Saturday 14 June - Jungle World will be closed from 1015-1145 due to a private booking
50+ Badminton, Bowls & Walking Football
No current changes
Holiday Activities
No current changes
Pool & Health Suite
Friday 28 March - There will be two lanes being used for Swimathon from 1730-2030
Sunday 30 March - There will be two lanes being used for Swimathon from 0900-1145
See pool timetable for opening times.
Gym Facilities
Please visit the Strength & Conditioning page for opening times.
In addition to our regular closures the S&C gym will be closed at the following times:
no current changes
No current changes
Climbing & Bouldering
Saturday 29 March - Public Session is cancelled due to Inter County Netball